

Join Us The Chicago Bridge Magazine Black History Everyday Honoring Extraordinary People as we explore the legacy of Big Doug Epting aka Doug Da Groomer born and raised in Chicago. Meet the owner of Groomer at Doug's Dawgs Grooming Services. Doug is also musician who has worked with some of greatest musical legends such as with Whitney Houston Herbie Hancock Luther vandross and many more.

About Guest Host: Gracie Love
Podcast Host, Singer, Actress, Model, Journalist,
loan broker and founder of Mels Euphoria Shop.

Facebook: The Euphoria Hour
Instagram: The Euphoria Hour
YouTube: Gracie Love

Guest: Big Doug Epting aka Doug Da Groomer
Email: bigdougepting@gmail.com
Website: shop.nevetica.com/dougsdawgsgroomingservices/home

The Chicago Bridge Magazine Websites
Follow Us: www.thechicagobridgemagazine.com
Email: thechicagobridgemagazine@gmail.com

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