

Join Us The Chicago Bridge Magazine Black History Everyday Honoring Extraordinary People as we explore the legacy of The Nation Top Fisherman Brother Abdul ’Malik was raised in Oakland, CA under a family involved in the drug game, pimps, players, hustlers, prostitutes, you name it. He was unsheltered as a child from these activities. The feds raided his father's house, and he was shipped to Chicago at 11 years old where he found comfort amongst the Black P Stone Rangers and began to imitate what his father's life reflected. There is an old saying, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree! Consequently, Warren was indicted by federal officers and sentenced to life in prison for a 25-kilo conspiracy and 1.5 million dollars in the trunk of his car. By the grace of God, the life sentence was reduced to 15 years!

About Guest Host: Gracie Love
Podcast Host, Singer, Actress, Model, Journalist,
loan broker and founder of Mels Euphoria Shop.

Facebook: The Euphoria Hour
Instagram: The Euphoria Hour
YouTube: Gracie Love

Guest: Abdul 'Malik Muhammad'
Contact: 312-834-7828
E-mail: info@pfcommunityservice@gmail.org

The Chicago Bridge Magazine Websites
Follow Us: www.thechicagobridgemagazine.com
Email: thechicagobridgemagazine@gmail.com

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